
Dumitru Gorzo (b. Ieud, Maramureș) lives and works in Bucharest and New York. He studied at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, Romania, earning both a bachelor's and a master's degree in painting. He is one of the prominent artists of the 2000s, gaining recognition since his student years and during his emergence, being one of the co-founders of Rostopasca, an emblematic artistic group for the transition of the 1990s-2000s in Romanian contemporary art.


As an artist with a prolific body of work and a distinctive visual language, Gorzo employs drawing, painting, and wood sculpture as tools for his relentless search for new forms and to engage in a reactive and critical dialogue with contemporary issues. His work spans a wide thematic spectrum, standing out both through controversy, from eroticism to politics, and through positions of social and institutional critique.


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