
Active in the field of photography, film and photo-books, Nicu Ilfoveanu is credited with a particular position in Romanian contemporary arts. He graduated from the National University of Arts Bucharest, where he is currently teaching photography. 


His work is characterised by an unexpected and unpredictable interplay between personal and documentary, between sublime and trivial, between evidence and hidden‑subjects.


Recent activity includes solo shows for SwitchLab (NIL NOVI SUB SOLE, 2024), Posibila Gallery (Circles, 2024 and Phantom Inventory, 2022), Artep Gallery (Panorama, 2021) Galería Mecànic, Barcelona (Electro+, 2018), Mois de la Photo du Grand Paris 2017 (Valerica Bienheureux), Uqbar Project Space, Berlin (Series. Multiples, Realisms, 2014); Arsenal Gallery, Poznan (The Mistaken Present Tense, 2013) and group shows: Table et tableau, Arsmonitor Bucharest (2024); Purity Is Not An Option, Posibila Gallery, Bucharest (2024); The Colour of Sound, MARe, Bucharest (2023); The Poetics of Politics, Harlan Levey Projects, Bruxelles (2023); Sediments. The Matter of Image, Salonul de proiecte, Bucharest (2023); Ways of Recalling, SwitchLab Bucharest (2022); Crossing the Same Circumstances, Kommunale Galerie Berlin (2021); Enchanting Views, CIVA, Bruxelles (2020); Mesuras, Cerezales Antonino y Cinia Foundation, Leon (2019); Looking Back, Thinking Further, Musee de Beaux Arts Tournai (2019); The Factory of Facts and Other Unspoken Stories, Salonul de proiecte, Bucharest (2016); Vision of a Nation, Fotogalleriet Oslo (2014).


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