Photography as a form of painting: A friendly conversation with the artist about Sinegrafia

Arsmonitor Gallery 27 January 2024 
Arsmonitor Gallery Sinegrafia Artist Talk Entry based on registration 11.30 - 14.00

Răzvan Neagoe is invited to present his technical secrets and stories behind the images exhibited in his solo-show SINEGRAFIA. Together with Silviu Pădurariu, the curator of the exhibition, and Mia Munteanu, the co-founder of Arsmonitor, the guests will be inducted into the story of our gallery and the steps of making the exhibition. The artist will present his works and will answer to all guests' questions. 


RECEPTION: 11.30 - 12.00
PRESENTATION: 12.00-13.00
Q&A: 13.00-14.00