The image and construction of the self: First artist talk about the Two Gorzo exhibition with Ioana Gorzo and Dumitru Gorzo

Arsmonitor Gallery 16 March 2024 
Arsmonitor Gallery Two Gorzo Artist Talk Entry based on registration 11.00-14.00

Ioana Gorzo and Dumitru Gorzo are invited to present some of their challenges to exhibit for the first time together, and the unique dialogue between their different visions about art and painting.


One of the main topics discussed with Ioana Gorzo and Dumitru Gorzo during the making of the exhibition was the way they see a difference between the idea of knowing yourself and constructing yourself. And this topic  continued long after the exhibition opening, as you can find in their Artist Talk and alos in their interview in Observator Cultural. 


Together with Mia Munteanu, the co-founder of Arsmonitor, and Silviu Pădurariu, the co-founder and curator of the exhibition, the guests are inducted into the story of this special and unique project. It was an extraordinary opportunity to exhibit the two Gorzo for the first time in our gallery and we want to share with the guests all the details we went through.


RECEPTION: 11.30 - 12.00
PRESENTATION: 12.00-13.00
Q&A: 13.00-14.00