Materials, mediums and technics in Common Body: The second artist talk with Magdalena and Bogdan Pelmuș

Arsmonitor Gallery 25 May 2024 
Arsmonitor Gallery Common Body Artist Talk Entry Based on Registration 11.30-14.00

Magdalena and Bogdan Pelmuș present the material aspects of their work in the Common Body exhibition. This Artist Talk will explore how their ideas and concepts are translated into physical forms, mediums, and objects.


Mia Munteanu, co-founder of Arsmonitor, and Silviu Pădurariu, co-founder and curator of the exhibition, will guide visitors through the story of the gallery and the Common Body exhibition. The artists will also discuss the challenges involved in creating one of their largest installations.


RECEPTION: 11.30 - 12.00
PRESENTATION: 12.00-13.00
Q&A: 13.00-14.00