Rubin‘s Vase featured in

Radu Comșa and Sorin Neamțu at Arsmonitor

We are pleased to announce that the Rubin's Vase duo exhibition dedicated to Sorin Neamțu and Radu Comșa visual dialogue has been selected to be featured in Contemporary Art Issue (CAI).


The exhibition "Rubin's Vase" proposes a unique dialogue between two contemporary artists from the west of the country, with a completely different approach to painting and image issues, whose unexpected resonance occurs in anti-representation.
For Sorin Neamțu, with an artistic education in Timișoara in the class of Constantin Flondor (2006), drawing and painting are mediated by continuous self-analysis and self-reference, being used as witnesses to his own transformations. The painting process is studied between rational research and emotional contemplation, with a programmatic charge. Often, the forms and structures he achieves come at the end of an approach where reason and reflection succumb to a meditative effort.
Radu Comșa, with an artistic education in Cluj, is one of the representatives of the post-2000 generation. He is distinguished by his radicalized position against the iconic narrations specific to his contemporaries. Painting is a field of research of his curiosities, a kind of subjective laboratory, where the traditional toolkit, sometimes playfully, other times conceptually, intertwines with contemporaneity through quotation and installation and with applied arts, such as design and textiles, exploring and exploiting the anthropometric limitations and deviations of human visual perception.
December 7, 2023
of 47