Rubin‘s Vase featured in Contemporary Art Issue

We are pleased to announce that the Rubin's Vase duo exhibition dedicated to Sorin Neamțu and Radu Comșa visual dialogue has been selected to be featured in Contemporary Art Issue (CAI).


Until January 15, 2024, Arsmonitor—the curatorial braindchild of Mia Munteanu and Silviu Padurariu—is showcasing works by Radu Comșa and Sorin Neamțu in a two-person show titled Rubin’s Vase in Bucharest, Romania. The exhibition establishes a unique dialogue between two contemporary artists from the western part of the country, each approaching painting and image issues in distinct ways that unexpectedly resonate in anti-representation. 
“The collaboration between Sorin Neamțu and Radu Comșa is an opportunity to recontextualize their work in a renewing way, often received and fixed by replacing it with that of their “masters,” the generation or schools from which the two come. The current dialogue signals that the tricks of interpreting their work question the background in an illusory manner, the invisible Vase between them. It proposes focusing on what is truly visible and, perhaps, not necessarily obvious.” (Press release Arsmonitor)
Sorin Neamțu—student of the renowned Constantin Flondor in Timișoara (2006)—views drawing and painting as witnesses to his personal transformations, employing continuous self-analysis and self-reference. His artistic process balances rational research and emotional contemplation, with forms and structures emerging after reason and reflection give way to meditative efforts. In contrast, Radu Comșa, educated in Cluj as part of the post-2000 generation, takes a radicalized stance against iconic narrations. Painting serves as a subjective laboratory where traditional tools intertwine with contemporaneity through quotation, installation, and applied arts like design and textiles. Comșa explores anthropometric limitations and deviations of human visual perception, presenting a painting approach that is anti-iconic.
November 29, 2023
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