The private art gallery ARSMONITOR – a testament to the power of reviving spaces steeped in history

Bucharest's cultural landscape has been refreshed with the launch of a startup dedicated to art, creativity, and transformation with the opening of the private art gallery ARSMONITOR. The opening event was attended by over 300 guests, including art enthusiasts, collectors, and members of the local artistic and creative community, ranging from directors and architects to content creators.


Located in the Casa Presei Libere building-originally named the Iosif Visarionovici Stalin Printing House Complex and, after de-Stalinization, the Vladimir Ilici Lenin Printing House Complex, a Soviet propaganda edifice built between 1952 and 1957 on the site of the former royal racetrack-the ARSMONITOR art gallery stands as a testament to the power of art and private initiatives to revive spaces steeped in history.


The building's historical significance, combined with its challenging Soviet legacy, calls for renewal. In this context, the ARSMONITOR team meticulously renovated and reimagined a space of over 200 square meters, preserving its historical charm while infusing it with the aesthetics and technical conditions of a modern art gallery. This process, which began in May, took nearly half a year to complete.

October 12, 2023
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