Sinegrafia marks our new collaboration with Răzvan Neagoe

We are thrilled to announce our new collaboration with Răzvan Neagoe. Active since 2000, following his art studies in painting, Neagoe is a co-founder of the ECCO group and a member of various artist collectives. Since 2010, he has primarily focused on analog photography, driven by a passion for experimenting with pinhole cameras, faulty equipment, and expired photo films and paper. His work delves into seemingly insignificant and obscure subjects, with a particular focus on the materiality and otherness of image-making.


Sinegrafia provided a remarkable opportunity for our collaboration. As one of his most significant solo exhibitions in Romania, the works presented spanned the major themes Neagoe has explored over the past 20 years. From studies of natural landscapes to reflections on urban and industrial environments, and from self-portraits to explorations of the human figure, Neagoe's exhibition offered both him and our visitors a unique chance to discover innovative ways of working with traditional photographic materials and tools.

January 18, 2024
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