Propagarta: About the Table et Tableau Exhibition at Arsmonitor

Exhibition review
Maria Munteanu, Propagarta, July 16, 2024

We were delighted to be visited by Maria Munteanu from Propagarta, who came full of curiosity to learn more about the curatorial concept behind the Table et Tableau exhibition and our approach to building the gallery's program. It was a surprisingly productive meeting, and we are grateful that one of the most important and newest art magazines in Romania showed interest in publishing the story behind the exhibition. Continue reading Maria Munteanu's introduction.


"With a subtle yet surprisingly recognizable visual identity (thanks to the gallery's consistent branding so far), the project is highly attractive in the way it challenges certain concepts that the art space has accustomed us to, concepts that typically no longer hold any surprises. Table et Tableau presents a playful and irreverent discourse, questioning common notions in art such as author, curator, researcher, context, archive, and group show.
Propagarta discussed this fresh, invigorating, and stimulating discourse with Silviu Pădurariu, an independent curator who, alongside Mia Munteanu, an entrepreneur in the creative industry, opened the Arsmonitor Gallery in Casa Presei Libere in 2023. The conversation with Silviu reveals key ideas of the exhibition presented to readers in the following material, as well as some of the coordinates that underpin what Arsmonitor aims to build through its exhibition program."
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